***** Is your child due to start school in September 2024? ****To book a one to one school tour, please call the school office on 01752 567668 ****

Year 1 Gallery

History - Childhood Artefacts
We matched childhood artefacts with modern items in our classroom.
PHSE - Collaboration
We worked together and collaborated to build a class town out of Lego.
Writing - Cutting Skills
We practised using scissors to strengthen our fingers and manipulation skills.
Writing - Elmer
Rehearsing our story with actions and celebrating our amazing writing with an elephant parade.
Science - Materials
We sorted everyday objects and matched them to the materials they are made of.
Maths - Number Square
We used a number square to identify numbers to one hundred.
P.E. - Balancing
Getting on and off our bikes to practice balancing on both legs.